Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 19 January 1914



Opus IX


The Ninth Working


[Monday, January 19 Tuesday, January 20 1914 E.V.]


Die Lunæ.  11:45 P.M. — 12:30 A.M. Die Martis.


On Monday Fra. L.T. [Victor B. Neuburg] was indisposed; on Tuesday the Brethren performed "The Mass of the Phoenix" in the house of a friend, P.D.F.  An instruction was moreover given to Fra. O.S.V. [Crowley], to which he will duly pay heed.


On Wednesday, Fra. L.T. being again indisposed, O.S.V. decided to go on Thursday to the forest with him to seek health.  This they did, and by the favour of the gods obtained it.


Now therefore on Monday, January 19, according to the counsel and reproof of Hermes did they again address themselves to the invocation of Juppiter; and this is:


A most admirable working, the best we have done for Juppiter.  During O.S.V.'s invocation of Amoun, his vibration of the Name Divine was echoed in second by a voice audible to the ear.  Now then fair omens dexter prosper ye the work.  During the Quia Patris[1] Fra. L.T., at the Altar of the East being genuflected, beheld the colossal form of Juppiter our Father, manubis plenis.  Yea, with gold were His hands full; praise unto our Father and our God!  In the morning Fra. O.S.V. awoke early, having (as hath only occurred once to him before) dreamed a story which he remembered.  He therefore spent the day from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. in writing down this story which he called "The Stratagem."  May it bring fame and fortune![2]


The Esoteric Record


Die Lunæ. January 19. 11:45


The Rites of Juppiter were duly performed on this and the next two days.



1—From Crowley's 'The Ship.'

2—P.S.  July 24, '14 E.V.  This story is the first real thing he ever did to be accepted instantly, and to attract real applause from all quarters. 


