Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 22 January 1914



Opus XII


The Twelfth Working


[Wednesday, January 22 Friday, January 23.]


The banquet restored Fra. L.T. [Victor B. Neuburg] to a comparatively normal condition.  At 9:55 P.M. die Jovis the Temple was opened as usual.  The sacrifice was offered, Fra O.S.V. [Crowley] perinde ac cadaver,[1] and the Temple closed at 11:00 P.M.  Fra O.S.V. was completely exhausted.  Thus endeth the First Series of the complete Working of Juppiter.


     Friday A.M.


There is certainly some result of these invocations; for matters move strangely.  Five people who arranged to come to see me in Paris all failed; and both business letters (urgent) and private letters remain unanswered.  I assume that this is the fallow period which follows the sowing of the seed.  But hermes produced instantly a direct result.  I take it that Juppiter being a slow and steady God moves not so easily but with far more power.


    Friday P.M.


I mentioned this matter to Fra. L.T.  As regards letters his experience is precisely similar to my own.



1—Latin, "like a corpse."


