Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 26 January 1914





The Thirteenth Working


[Monday, January 26 Tuesday, January 27.]


On Saturday the drought of result broke up suddenly; both letters and visitors appeared.  All things that have occurred have been of the nature of Juppiter, but so far there has been no plentiful harvest, naught as it were but green shoots peeping through the earth.


The Temple opened at about 11:30.  Quia Patris 12:30 closing 2:00 A.M. die MartisFra O.S.V. [Crowley] became inspired in a Terpsichorean manner after the Accendat and Tu qui es.  Much good force was obtained and two Jataka stories.  During the day Fra. L.T. [Victor B. Neuburg] obtained a small Juppiterian result, Fra. O.S.V. kept an appointment which may conceivably lead to vast Juppiterian results.





The Thirteenth Working

The Esoteric Record


[January 26, 1914.]


Began about 11:30, ended about 12:30.  After the Accendat, O.S.V. did an inspired dance of the seductive-fugitive order.


After the Haud secus the Brethren revelled in the Juppiterian atmosphere, and then in talking about this—O.S.V. remembered he had been a priestess in what he thought was Greece of an orientalized type.  L.T. recognized this as Crete.  O.S.V. agreed.


L.T. saw a green figure constantly dancing around the altar.


The ceremony was of initiation; this dance was the temptation.  Neophytes were accepted if laughingly indifferent' or if, on the other hand, they refused to be played with, and violated the woman no matter how she struggled.  Half-measures were punished by having their testicles removed by a special instrument on the principle of a candle-snuffer, but with a regular cup instead of a guard.


After the operation the instrument was thrust upon the brazier, and the man thrust into the earthquake-fissure, where he perished miserably.


When all the flesh was gone, and the bones had dropped to the bottom, the next initiation could take place.


This Temple had pillars, a black floor shining like glass, mirrors to render the chase difficult.  There were three priests, the lion-mask, the bull-mask, and the eagle-mask.


The initiate himself was the Fourth Kerub.  These mysteries are the same—or very nearly the same—as the Samothracian mysteries.


O.S.V. had twenty-eight handmaidens.  She was dressed in silver tissues, representing the way in which the moon slips away from the sun, and then falls back into his embraces:  that is the idea of the dance.


O.S.V.'s name was Aia, which is really Gaia.


Twelve virgins were sacrificed annually, one a month.


Released on menstruation, because they became impure, and so could not live in the Temple.


This is the great idea of magicians in all times:—


To obtain a Messiah by some adaptation of the sexual process.


In Assyria they tried incest; also in Egypt; the Egyptians tried fathers and daughters, the Assyrians mothers and sons.  Phoenicians tried fathers and daughters; Greeks and Syrians mostly bestiality.  This idea came from India.  The Jews sought to do this by invocation methods.[1]  The Mohammedans tried homosexuality; mediaeval philosophers tried to produce homunculi by making chemical experiments with semen.


But the root idea is that any form of procreation other than normal is likely to produce results of a magical character.


Either the father of the child should be a symbol of the sun, or the mother a symbol of the moon.




There was a labyrinth there; they had the workshop of Apis from Egypt.


There was a sacred bull in this labyrinth, quite white.  At the spring festival they sacrificed twelve virgins to him.


Hic crudelis amor tauri suppôsitaque

furto, Pasiphaë ————————

Æneid VI[2]


They wanted to get a Minotaur, an incarnation of the sun, a Messiah.  They said they had one, but they didn't.


L.T. was named Mardocles.  Fair, very handsome, squarish golden beard.  A very noble edition of Rudolf Cyriax.  Hair curled in Assyrian manner, wore Chiton.


O.S.V. killed him by dancing badly.


L.T. being initiated, O.S.V. and handmaidens came out and danced.  O.S.V. fell in love and spoiled her dancing.


L.T. knew what to do and couldn't remain indifferent, but couldn't be brutal.  And so at the last moment L.T. spared O.S.V. and was thrust out of the Temple; but neither killed nor castrated.  She was also expelled.


L.T. and O.S.V. went penniless and sad into a town.


O.S.V. did up L.T.'s sandals which had become undone.


L.T. despised O.S.V. for ruining his career; he had been a merchant, a very wealthy corn-merchant (with a very rich father), and he had given up everything for initiation.  L.T. was a special favourite of the high priest, the high priest being a friend of his father.


L.T. was about 24 or 25, but much older than his years.


L.T. hated O.S.V. but was too chivalrous to leave her.


L.T. only cared for O.S.V. while she danced:  he felt he had ruined O.S.V.'s career as well as his own.


We sat down, two doors away from the cobbler's, on a stone.


O.S.V. did up L.T.'s sandal strap.  The cobbler offered to do it free, L.T. was so handsome.  We were asked to the evening meal.


The cobbler had an ugly scolding wife looking like "Billiken" or the Duchess in Alice.


A tiny little back room with children, including a boy of twelve or so.


The cobbler wanted us to go on the staff.  This was perhaps in Ephesus; a seaside place, anyhow.


His proposal was the only hope to avoid being sold for slaves by the magistrates.


But we were too proud, and said we would be sold for slaves, and we were.


A man with a country house and a beautiful wife bought us.


His name like Demetrius, more like Demephorius.


We were employed about the house.


It was part of the ordinary duty of a servant to amuse the family, by various copulations.  Only beautiful slaves were chosen for this purpose.


O.S.V. died of pneumonia some few months later.


Mistress a really classic type.  Syro-Phoenician beauty.  Grecian nose; coal-black curls; beautiful anklets, bracelets, etc.  Swathed in purple nearly always.  Thin mouth; smile like Giaconda, but with corners turned down.  The man was a fool; easy-going, rather like Bourcier.


All this was long before the Trojan was.


Very civilized; before the Greek civilization we know of.  Or perhaps more Assyrian or Phoenician.


Asia-minor the scene of this.


They used oared galleys.


"I shall never forget the look you gave me in the slave market."  (O.S.V.)


"I am always unlucky for you, you know; you always have to sacrifice everything for my love.  You don't want to in the least; that is because we both have hold of the wrong end of the stick.  If only I could leave you, and you could love me.  It would be lucky."  But that has apparently never happened.  Mutual indifference and mutual passion, and so on.


We played instruments in Corinth as girls.


? had white skin.  L.T. Chryssipe had yellow hair.  O.S.V.


We made popular Lesbian songs all day—


We went on for years, and years, and years.  We were sixty, and terribly famous . . . Like Zena and Phyllis Dare.  This devotion of ours became proverbial in Corinth; we had to keep it up, exactly like a vicar and his wife in public.


After forty-three and a half years it got awful:  then we retired to our country estates; but we had the habit over there.  We turned into old maids.  We had really loved with the most intense and true passion for a year or so; and then kept it up for profit.


But we were not cynical about it; we really fancied ourselves as the ideal lovers of Corinth.


Incarnation about wolves forgotten.  Diana of Ephesus.  We went on a mission, a business mission, of a Temple nature.  Not L.T. (thank God).  There were wolves, a plague of them.



1—Also by pædicatio feminarum [Latin, "buggery of women"].

2—Latin, "Here the brutish act appeared: Pasiphaë / being covered by the bull in the cow's place..." Virgil. The Æneid.


