Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 4 February 1914



Opus XIX


The Nineteenth Working


[Wednesday, February 4 Thursday, February 5, 1914.]


Fra. O.S.V. [Crowley] during the day had a feverish attack resembling influenza; but receiving the Remedy of Juppiter from the hands of the Lay-Sister Jane Chéron, was miraculously made whole, though the aftermath still slightly inconveniences him, he having taken the Remedy in Excess.


The Temple opened at 11:28 closed at 12:50 A.M. dei Jovis, the ceremony being most magnificent.[1]  During the Versicle O.S.V. saw the Sarcophagus of Ankh-f-n-khonsu, a misty dawn of gold at the East of the Altar, erect.  At the climax it flooded the room with white radiance.  The ceremony raised Fra. O.S.V. from discomfort, sleepiness, and fever to the top of his form.


L.T. [Victor B. Neuburg] gets a white elephant with the word LEX labor est + (the Phallus in its sense of the completed Work.)  Also Baphomet spelt בפמת as 1082.[2]  The atmosphere is marvellous calm and sweet, soft as the kisses of Zephyros— a perfect peace and joy.


During the day, by the way, Fra. O.S.V. got the idea that Fra. L.T. would make a perfect low comedian, and thus gain much gold.



1—Query: This represents the West Wind as last night the East, and the first night of this series the North?

2—1081 = Tiphareth, add 1 for the [   ] therein.  No!  O.M.


