Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 8 February 1914



The Esoteric Record[1]


[Sunday, February 8, 1914.]


O.S.V. [Crowley]  ? 3-5 A.M. February 8, 1914.


Inspection of Cakkras.


Mūlādhāra.  Blood-red, velvety, deep-bell shape.  Around it the kundalini coiled, but in constant spiral motion.  Luminous triangle—mirror-like—opens at base (very small.)  I looked down through infinite stages of these triangles, at the bottom glitters a pearl-like (but self-luminous and most intense) phallus.  Presently this goes, and up the tunnel march millions of men of every race, creed, caste and colour—not a single woman. 


Svādiştthāna.  Very large flattish white lotus, greenish tips to edges, very pale and fair; It floats in pale blue.


Mānipūra.  A chysantheum of rainbow petals, active-like folding and refolding, comprehending alternatively microcosm and the macrocosm.


Anāhata.  Mostly gold and pearls with rubies and sapphires, I think, but this fades in memory.


Viśuddhi.  Myriad radiating knives of pure golden light; in all directions.



1—This entry was not attributed by Crowley to a particular working, having been written early Sunday morning.


