Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Saturday, 6 September 1914
Opus[1] II, IIa, IIb
Christine Rosalie Byrne (‘Peggy Marchmont’), Piccadilly prostitute.
Object: Knowledge of the Mysteries of the IX° and power to express the same.
The girl is a sturdy bitch of 26 or so. The orgie lasted with rare and brief intervals from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., and the ceremony was thrice performed. I was not at all exhausted and could have gone on all night. Though she was hard up, she refused even a friendly present.
Result: success complete, since I wrote De Arte Magica; De Hommunculo; De Natura Deorum; De Nuptiis Secretis Deorum cum Hominibus[2] in which will be found very great wisdom of the Gods on all this matter.
But I suppose that I made some great error, for I immediately felt some strain, which declared itself shortly as phlebitis with thrombosis of the left leg, and interrupted the course of the experiments. Hence the date of No. III.
Or might the ill-health be part of the success, as giving me the opportunity to write?
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—[Concerning the Magic Art; On the Homunculus On the Nature of the Gods; The Secret Marriages of the Gods with Men.]