Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Wednesday, 14 October 1914


Opus[1] III



8.17 p.m. Violet Duval, chorus girl.


An old friend, Thrice Holy Soror L.B. [Leila Waddell] assisted in the work.


Object: Health. At this time my leg is still very swollen and obstinate. I have been dressed and about for 3 days, but it was a decided risk to perform the ceremony. After so long abstinence, too, it was swift and easy-going; but the will seemed concentrated. It has at least loosened my brain, which had been clogged for 3 or 4 days.


Result: Sudden, new, rather alarming symptoms the same night; but great improvement following, so that today, 17 Oct., I am going about much as usual.



1 Nov. The symptoms are still not altogether vanished. But most assuredly some three days after the rite I had the feeling of health—an indescribable but well-known sensation. I began many energetic things, made up my mind, and here I am in New York.


21 Nov. The most anxious solicitude fails to discover any fault in the leg. This is a month earlier than the doctor’s prognostic.


29 Nov. Not perfectly well in this leg. But general health throughout better than I have known it for years.


15 Dec. I shall close this record with the word Doubtful.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]


