Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Monday, 16 November 1914
Opus[1] VI
9.25 p.m.
to 9.50 p.m. Past
BABALON [in Enochian] manibus plenis.[2]
Object: ’Αυδρα H C J P similem. Babalon [looks like] a man like H C J P.[3]
The Operation was very orgiastic in character. I most clearly formulated the double picture: I. ΕΩΜΑ ΒΑΒΑΛΟΝΟC ΦΙΛΤΑΤΗC [The Body of the Beloved Babalon]; 2. ΕΡΩΤΑ ΦΙΛΤΑΤΟΨ [The Love of the Most Beloved].
Result: One must admit that the idea of this operation was suggested by hearing of a vague possibility. However, one has at least the right to record success on 20 Nov. 7.50 p.m. as far as the first stage or earnest [of it].
23 Nov. If emphasized avowal, reinforced by anxiety lest A. C. be a mask, be a test, then this operation must be called perfectly successful.
25 Nov. This operation is to be classified as completely successful, because of the gentles; there are but few; and . . . well, he that hath an ear to hear, let him hear. I shall not argue, but state upon my royal and sacerdotal oath that this operation is a success most unlooked for and astounding, in all respects perfect.
P.S. 28 Jan. 1916 E.V. Very transient, this success; Αυδρα not being worthy of that name.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—[‘Babalon with full hands’, that is, while holding in his mind the image of Babalon, the Scarlet Woman, he masturbated.] 3—[H.C.J.P. is in Enochian: Herbert Charles Jerome Pollitt. They were undergraduates at Cambridge. The object was to attract a man like Pollitt.]