Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Sunday, 20 December 1914


Opus[1] XV



2.30 p.m. Weather fine, sunny, frosty. Light in room, full daylight. (These two points should be recorded scrupulously.)


Object: As XIV. (I have nothing left to wish for.)


I was not well (diarrhoea slight). She was not well (cold in the head). The Operation was not very orgiastic and was very clumsily managed. I losing control of Bindu.[2]


Nor was the Operation good in concentration. I had an intuition both before, during and after that all was wrong. An Elixir[3] was formed but of an acrid and aromatic type.



Result: The whole Mercury force has been—to all appearance—thrown down instantly. E.g. not one person at my lecture but those I practically brought with me. Even my private secretary, even my brother, Fra. F.L., sworn to work at Mercury tonight were not there. Not even the faithful Rooney! (I spent p.m. invoking Mercury.)



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—[Sanskrit word for semen.]

3—[The Elixir (in Crowley’s system) comprises the mingled male and female sexual fluids.]



[78], [80]