Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 1 January 1915
The Colloquy of V.V.V.V.V. that is to be a Magus 9º = 2o of A∴A∴
with the god ΘΩΘ[1]
New York
This record should touch briefly on the causes of this work.
About Dec. 14 I came to the
conclusion that
I did also certain Psalms, certain divinations, and have been doing thrice daily the old invocation "Majesty of Godhead de" as in "Liber LXIV."[3]
Also on going to bed. I have done dharana on an imagined figure of Hermes now and again; or the Caduceus.
I have been exercised with regard to the question of the possibility of my attaining the grade of Magus in this life (after all!) and my very blindness and impotence—which are at present considerable—give me hope. I seem to have no creative power, or inspiration. I don't work at all; I do geomancy on all sorts of things. It's funny; I don't feel bad; but there's something radically wrong in all I do. Is this the Threshold?
2—[This diary was kept in parallel with the present diary; indications of "Op.," "Opus" or "Operation" followed by a number are usually cross references to Crowley's O.T.O. diary.]
3—[A ritual by
Allan Bennett, adapted by Crowley as "Liber
Israfel sub figura LXIV." His use of this invocation is
noted in the diary as "Inv.