Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Saturday, 16 January 1915
Opus[1] XXIV
9.12 p.m. Weather like a fine day in May. Light of gas stove.
Margaret Pitcher. A young pretty-stupid wide-mouthed flat-faced slim-bodied harlotry. Fair hair. Fine fat juicy Yoni.
Object: Money. I invoked Ic-zod-heh-ca.[2] at the same time, thinking thus to propitiate the gnomes. And I offer him also a portion of the Sacrament.
The ceremony was not good, as the girl was even more concentrated than I on the object of the Operation. But the Elixir was copious, well-formed, and of very pleasing quality. It was a fairly orgiastic rite, considering all.
Result: See XXV.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—[The Great King of the North in Dr. John Dee's Enochian system; he presides over the Tablet of Earth which is visualized by the 5th Call or Key.]