Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Tuesday, 26 January 1915


Opus[1] XXVII



26 Jan. 9.15 p.m. Weather cold—near 0°. Fine. Gas stove light.


Lola Auguste Grumbacher née Oliveira. Para, Brazil. Widow of V[ery] I[llustrious] Sir Knight Mauricia Grumbacher 33°. 'Love at first sight.' Muscular masculine type. I think Scorpio rising. Profile of Dante. Admits 37 years; this probably accurate. Astoundingly passionate.


Object: A rich marriage. (Suggested by meeting Mrs. Schlessinger with this object, in P.M.)


The return of Aleister Crowley. No further comment is needed. Consciousness must have been lost absolutely; only at the last moment the Will asserted itself in an appropriate scream.



Result: See Opus XXVIII.


N.B. Position of Opus number on opposite page, showing complete mental upheaval. All previous numbers in centre.



Opus[1] XXVIII


26 Jan. 10.13 p.m.


[Assistant] As XXVII [Lola Auguste Grumbacher].


Object: As XXVII. The ceremony was naturally shorter than XXVII. Both were most spontaneous, fervent, ardent, orgiastic, ecstatic; in fact quite ideal. The screaming was very simultaneous. The Elixir in both cases was plentiful and of admirable quality. This operation is quite up to European standards.


Note: as in the case of Beatrice Levy in the summer of 1914, Pan was so furiously incarnated in the girl that actual obsession occurred, the symptoms being those of violent and repeated sickness.



Result: See Opus XXIX.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]



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