Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Saturday, 30 January 1915


Opus[1] XXX



3.47 p.m. Weather brilliantly fine, cold, exhilarating. Darkness in temple but enough light to see dimly by daylight under blinds.


T.H.T.I.T.I. [Thrice Holy Thrice Illuminated Thrice Illustrious] Soror Aimée Gouraud. Initiate of the Sanctuary IX° O.T.O. (Late Sagittarius or Capricornus rising. Age about 50-54.)


N.B. I had been wanting this particular partner since many months. A fortnight ago θΩθ  [Thoth] told me I must invoke also his cynocephalus,[2] i.e. Bert Reese. I saw him yesterday night—and today, lo!


Object: Intended as VII but the T.H.T.I.T.I.S. S[oror] has a Will like the Holy Phallos itself! And she kept concentrated on sex-force, I did ditto. Either may result therefore.


The Operation was undertaken most unexpectedly. It was very good, considering all. The Kteis [Vulva] of the T.H.T.I.T.I. S[oror] is prehensile to an astounding degree! The Elixir was pretty good, having a rare delicacy of flavour. Operation not very orgiastic, the mind being in a confused state—I was afraid of going wrong in so important an Operation, etc. But on the whole excellent. I feel very well afterwards; so also the T.H.T.I.T.I. S[oror]. And I expect good results.



Result: Evident nullity.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—[Thoth's companion, the dog-headed ape.]



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