Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Thursday, 11 February 1915


Opus[1] XXXIII



5.31 p.m. Weather dry, warm, spring-like. Light of gas stove.




Object: as XXXI. The Operation was excellent and vigorous, orgiastic but well-controlled. I made a mental image of the room being filled with showers and showers of big ten-dollar pieces, and held this very well, even in the midst of the orgasm, which was lengthy; though I could feel her mouth sucking up mine, I could simultaneously see the gold filling the room.


The Elixir was good as usual, but my sense of taste was a little weak as we had been sniffing 171 [Cocaine] before we began.



Result: On Feb. 13 T.H.T.I.T.I. [Thrice Holy Thrice Illuminated Thrice Illustrious] Soror Leila Bathurst [Leila Waddell]  Grand Secretary General, MMM left Liverpool; on boat [she] met officer with this exact sum [$20,000] saved. He offered marriage and settlement of same.


29 Jan. 1916 E.V. Transient.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]



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