Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Saturday, 13 February 1915
Opus[1] XXXIV
8.54 p.m. Weather warm but dry. Gaslight. I think this collocation of planets in the 5th [house] is splendid for the object here proposed. 5th house is Leo, Tiphereth and the Priest's path, especially Baphomet's.
Object: To be a worthy High Priest of the Lord Ph[allos] [Pan].
The Operation was extremely orgiastic throughout—even to this extent that I merely remember a being concentrating on the Object and whirlwinds of pleasure and pain.
The character of the Elixir was also excellent and at the same time I must confess that the critical faculty is pretty well abrogated. This is the result of using 171 [Cocaine], I suspect.
Result: I think good; people at Invocations have been very impressed.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]