Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Thursday, 31 March 1915


Opus[1] XLII




11.15 p.m. Conjunction again favourable for object. Weather cold and fine. Room dark.


[Assistant] As XXXVII [Doris Gomez]. Manus Magi, dum cunnum gaudentem gaudens linguebat, futuit.[2]


Object: as XLI.


The Operation lasted one and a quarter hours. The orgasm was magnificent; in fact, almost too much so to keep to the object. We were simultaneous. The Elixir was found in the mouth itself; it was abundant and of good quality.



Result: I am getting very strongly the feeling that Solomon was right magically as well as merely tactful; that one ought to concentrate on the Grade, and let health, wealth and happiness follow if they will. However . . .



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—['The hand of the Magus, while he, rejoicing, was licking the rejoicing cunt, tossed himself off.']



[78], [80]