Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Thursday, 8 April 1915


Opus[1] XLIII



3.11 a.m.


[Assistant] As XXXVII [Doris Gomez]. In manu dominae, cujus cunnum ore dilexeram.[2]


Object: as XLI.


The Operation lasted three hours approximately. The Magus sat in Siddhasana; the orgasm was splendid; the Elixir abundant and full of Prana.



Result: It's difficult to make positive assertions on this Operation, but I have a feeling that it has worked well in practical matters. Certainly I have been acting sensibly (for the first time in my life) ever since.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—['In the hand of the mistress, whose cunt I had loved with my mouth.']



[78], [80]