Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Saturday, 22 May 1915


Opus[1] LIII, LIV, LV




2.14 a.m. Steam room [of Turkish bath], dim-lighted by gas-jets.


[Opus LIII]


Xenos en to s[tomati] Basileos.[2]


[Opus LIV] 3.34 a.m. approximately.


Xenos deuteros en to p[rokto] Basileos.[3]


Note: I tried opus LIV with Saturn in the 5th or 6th house and failed to accomplish it. A violent thunderstorm was in progress.   P  ψ was close. Unfortunately I did not take [an hoary figure for] the exact half-hour or so of the attempt.


[Opus LV] 3.54 a.m. approximately. Gas-jet. Weather clearing after a terrible day of saturated atmosphere with heat.


Xenos tritos en to p[rokto] Basileos.[4]


Object [of opers LIII, LIV, LV]: Wisdom.


These Operations being undertaken suddenly and by surprise, the Will of the King [Crowley] was not formulated consciously and with the usual intensity. But ir was, as it were, a particular expression of his general Will, welling up from the depth.


The Elixir in LIII was copious and admirable. In LIV and LV it was absorbed after another manner, for the most part; but the taste of the small portion available was in both cases ravishing.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—['A stranger in the mouth of the King', i.e. fellation.]

3—['A second stranger in the fundament of the King.']

4—['A third stranger in the fundament of the King.']



[78], [80]