Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Friday, 11 June 1915
Opus[1] LXV - LXVI
10.43 p.m. Very warm. Pitch darkness. I think that probably this is the day after my meeting with Hilarion [Jeanne Foster], say 7.17 p.m. 10 June. In fact, there can be no reasonable doubt of this.
BABALON imagined as Jeanne Robert [Foster] per manus magistri.[2]
Object: Thanksgiving for Jeanne.
The Operation was not very well imaged, owing to defective memory. However, it was duplex, like the Equinox operations XXXIX-XL, the second being extremely orgiastic. The Elixir was copious, cool and sweet.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—['By the hands of the master', i.e. an act of masturbation.]