Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Friday, 5 November 1915







[2:12 a.m.]


[Assistant:] Myriam Deroxe [both she and Crowley under the influence of Ether and Cocaine.]


[Object:] Θ . . . 40 . . . Φ. [Apparently having to do with causing the death of Jeanne Foster's husband, Matlack Foster.]


[After] closing the temple [Crowley went away at 3:15 a.m. while continuing the mantra Θ . . . . O.M.Φ. He then, employing goetic magic, invoked ת by ] using the proper names, and that also of א, the notorious angel appropriate. This I repeated outside the apartment of the person [Matlock Foster] indicated; and I further invoked to protect my beloved Hilarion [Jeanne Foster].



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]


