Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Sunday, 25 June 1916
Opus[1] XXXVI
9.00 a.m. circa.
[Assistant] As XIII [Alice Coomaraswamy].
Object: a perfect girl for the summer.
[Operation] Elixir very good.
9.00 a.m. circa.
[Assistant] As XIII [Alice Coomaraswamy].
Object: as XXXVI.
[Operation] excellent. Elixir good but slightly thin.
Result: XXXIV - XXXVII: No new girl yet. But XIII [Gerda von Kothek] has been 'perfect', writing wonderful love letters, etc.
Note. 6 July [1916]. The Juventus [age of youth] experiment must be regarded as absurdly successful. I have all the symptoms of sixteen and even earlier—great physical restlessness and appetite for hard, athletic work—also the vague aspirations and heedlessness of time—utter disinclination for mental work, too, as at that age. Further, I seem to have created in my aura all the conditions of my own youth. I spend the day playing at camping out; I sail a canoe, I explore islands, I build breakwaters, etc. etc. I am living almost entirely on milk, yet I have no tendency to get fat, have indeed got much thinner. But the mental lassitude and devil-may-careishness is very marked indeed. Writing a letter is a bore. I have also quite the boy's sex feeling. I think it is as well I only did six operations, or I might have wanted a wet-nurse and a toy train!
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]