Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 4 July 1916
Chokmah being 73, one day of this initiation is 73 days.
Thus; leaving England to meeting of Cat and Snake Officers, i.e., the preliminary silence and solitude was 73 x 3 days approx. I was with the Cat-Officer [Jeanne Foster] 3 x 73 days; alone again 73 x 1 day; with the Monkey-Officer [Alice Coomaraswamy] 73 x 1 day; 8 Chokmah-days in all so far.
During this night I had a dream, part of some orgie with a marvellous black woman of some tribe I do not know, part of a future wife—medium brown hair, rather small, compact, very soft, sweet, and absolutely radiating devotion and domesticity. In her arms was a baby; the Lord of the Dream (which was an invoked Dream) told me that this was to come. I should recognize the woman by her modesty, and the simplicity of her love. She is to have money of her own. Well, we’ll see.