Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 8 July 1916
Tarot for this period following Monkey-Officer [Alice Coomaraswamy] 2W between 9W and 7P.
Geomancy. Shall I get ample funds for publishing, etc., including living as I like; if so, when? (I did this div[ination] very seriously, giving my reasons for making it.)
G.M. Conjunctio. Total 124. Eden oak. Qliphoth of Chokmah.
1. Puella. 2. Carcer. 3. Puer. 4 Laetitia. 5. F. Minor. 6. Caput. 7. Acquis. 8. Puer. 9. Trist. 10. Via. 11. Cauda. 12. Rubeus. T.S. Conj. J. Via. T.D. Carcer.
figure seems excellent for 4th house; not good for 2nd. I
may therefore look for inheritance esp[ecially] with
As to time, we have a solar and 2 or 4 lunar figures. Answer therefore: yes, before end of 1916 or 1917.
It came to me some days back—I wickedly did not record it—that a Magus must burn up the whole of his karma. As a M.T. [Magister Templi] he is all-Receptiveness; as a Magus all-Activity. True, he pours out Himself in a certain mould or form according to His Original Nature. But this Nature has been masked by karma. This is symbolized in Liber 418 by the burning of the Book T. to ashes.
The Qabalah of primes is all utterly unwritten. May the Holy One grant it unto me. TO ΘΡΗΙΟΝ.
TO ΜΕΓΑ ΘΡΗΙΟΝ = 666 = my full name.
Note Star [formed by this name] includes Sephiroth 1–9. The Name has 8 letters between TO and ON.
TO ON = Existence = Tat Sat. It is a Temurah of MEITHRA GH.