Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 28 July 1916
The planet Mercury is the moon, or feminine image, of the Sun.
5:50 p.m. Took 400 drops Anh. Lew. [Anhalonium Lewinii]. Chocolate base.
6:15. Eyes dilated; rather dazed and excited. Also yawning.
7:35. Have been writing letters, etc. Effects apparently all passed off.
7:45. Find myself highly amused, but complaining that AL is a fraud. Dear old symptom!
7:55. The Ritual of the VII° O.T.O.
Kt. enters, is congratulated, and invited to sit on the Cubic Stone. He does so. All pay him homage. He is then mocked and scourged and spat upon, and then formally slain by having a great cross cut upon his breast. The wound is staunched so that its mark is indelible, and he is given the insignia of the Order, etc.
8:15. There is some slight mental disturbance of the “analytical” sort; one “reasons out loud” over trivial things.
8:25. It takes pleasure in every trifle; and, asked to think of those things which usually distress it, dismisses them, like Jesus, with a jest.
8:55. Distinct tendency to excitement of ahamkara—silly personal pride in one’s knowledge of Greek, one’s height, etc.—all exaggerated very much indeed. E.g., I wished I had my Hebrew and Greek Bible, so as to write my article against Shaw,[1] and at once painted a fancy picture of myself as the ripe scholar and theologian, half partriarch, half don!!!
11:50. Quite normal. Re A∴A∴ (for one who was not of us), what a plot for Balzac—the rising from grade to grade amid fearful dangers, etc., and winning out—becoming equal to Buddha and Jesus and the rest—and THAT being the horror of Great Falsehood!
1—The Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw.