Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 29 July 1916
1:07 a.m. I perceive the use of the knife—not to divide, but to fashion things into beauty from shapelessness. Cut not to destroy, but to create. This is of the most supreme importance; see my notes to the Third Æthyr.
(This is another attempt to fix
the Name “foursquare, mystic,
9:30 a.m. Work at 8 after probably 5 1/2 hours sleep. Long dreams of war and adventure, very vivid.
Dose evidently inadequate to my exalted Grade!
My eyes are tired—but then I’ve been cooking over a wood fire in the open; I woke exceptionally active and energetic.
p.m. Quite normal all day. Heard that the Monkey-Officer [Alice Coomaraswamy] had miscarried [Coomaraswamy and Crowley's child] (on July 12). Asked Tarot if I should go on with the affair; got 5W. with 2W. and Taurus next it, and Scorpio and Libra afar.