Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday 21 August 1916
An amazing discovery. The Op[eratio]ns[1] to have a child by Hilarion [Jeanne Foster], July 8, 1915 on, seven in all, and one upon Helen Westley, ended Sept. 12 and Sept 16 with 3 Opns. at beginning and end of catamenia. These Operations are described as particularly good. On Sept. 23, the Word of the Equinox was NEBULAE; i.e. the Babe of an Universe—as I now see. this Eq[uino]x the Word is SOL-OM-ON, the child of David’s adultery.
Now O.I.V.V.I.O. [Charles Stansfeld Jones] was born June 21, exactly nine months after the Libra Eqx. On conclusion of Eqx. ceremony Hilarion had seduced me; and I had concentrated on the Word just obtained. It is really very remarkable that I did no Opn. for a child after this Sept 12–16.
We were at Vancouver on Oct. 19, I two or three days earlier. It is to be noted, too, that Hilarion was the perfect Scarlet Woman as described in CCXX III:44. Then O.I.V.V.I.O. may be the Child coming “from no expected house”, since I always thought of a material baby, and never tried for a spiritual son (CCXX III:47) and yet the child of my bowels, since O.I.V.V.I.O. has Sagittary on the Ascendant, and Sagittary is on the cusp of my 6th House (Virgo, the bowels) and also because I did the IX° Opns. for him, upon the body of Hilarion. He may be “mightier than all the kings of the Earth” because cast out into Malkuth. (See his record) I woke up with these ideas in my head about 3:40 this a.m. Note, too, the dreams of Sept. 20–21, Hilarion as a Titan woman on whom I performed IX° fully. In this dream I was more than half awake. Note, too, the triple dream of three consecutive sleeps in two days immediately following that Eqx Ceremony; these were all of royalty.
The Nativity of O.I.V.V.I.O. Vancouver B.C. June 21, '16. E.V. 10. p.m. [This is not included in the typescript]
All day writing and thinking out the chronology of the Initiation to Magus. The crises at the dawn of a Chokmah-day are amazing.
1—[Crowley is referring to magical sexual operations.]