Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 22 September 1916
The ceremony of the Equinox has been performed, the Word [Word of the Equinox] “SAGITTAE ” coming (by my clock) at 9:05. It may be a little fast or slow. However, call it 9:23:00, Gemini rising. Op[us][1] XLIX.
I perceive that the Word lies latent in the S...N of a Magus, and being placed in the mouth of the Victim, becomes a Word. Hence ritual rubric. The Op. was extremely good in the magical sense. I trust Sagittae refers to “The Paris Working”—arrows shot in the war against the Slave-gods. The Thelema divination is “O thou delicious God, smile sinister!”, VII. III 47 a Phallic reference.
A geomantic divination gave Amissio for G.M. 100 for total.
1. F. Minor. 2. Acq. 3. Cauda. 4. albus. 5. Amissio. 6. Populus.
7. F. Minor. 8. Pop. 9. Amiss. 10. Alb. 11. Acq. 12. Cauda.
1—Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.