Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 24 September 1916



Last night, wakefulness, followed by disturbed dreams. Jung had stimulated me. I remembered my three dream-places; I have not thought of them for years.


1. The town rather like Cambridge, but with some continental touches. There is a street like the way down Garret Hostel Lane, but with old wooden houses, in one of which lives a sluttish but very fascinating servant-girl. In this town is also a hill covered with cottages, full of slaveys and low whores, who all accept me in a luscious vicious way.


2. the Hacienda, a few miles beyond a Mexican town, where I have sex-adventuers with the “owneress.”


3. The caverns in Cairo. A secret door leads to an underground bazaar, full of devotees of every fiendish vice.


I was also sexually excited by a wire to say that Gerda [Gerda von Kothek] was coming.)


I think I can see a way to get Samadhi easily by certain applications of Jung’s theories.


