Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 6 October 1916
Devised constitutional government for O.T.O.
Electoral College of O.T.O. is to be Senate. Qualify by
(1) physical tests—distinction in some branch of athletics.
(2) mental tests. (a) general knowledge of philosophy, history, art of government (b) distinction in classics, mathematics, or science (c) first-rate ability in some mental conflict such as chess.
(3) Moral tests.
College has 11 men in each country. Power to add to number. Presidents meet every 11 years to elect new Grand Officers, or confirm old ones.
Every member of college must live 3 months on end at least once in 2 years in camp, alone.
This college presides generally over all affairs of lodges up to C.P.I.
Lodges, profess-houses, etc. should always be oriented to Boleskine.
The Balance of Power in the O.T.O.
The Senate is an electoral body. The Grand Tribunal is a judicial body. The Supreme Council is a legislative body. The R.S.S. is the supreme authority, and works spiritually through the IX° and VIII° materially through the VII° and VI°, which are the military force of the Order. The VII° is a philosophical body; the IX synthetic. In the IX° and VI° is a Revolutionary body, concealed. The VII° is a travelling inspecting and reporting body. The S.G.C. has in it the elected head of every guild of art, craft, trade, science and profession. The VIII° harmonizes their debates, and presents conclusions to Sanctuary.
The V° is a social body, and promotes harmony. Special financial committee, vowed to poverty.
3° aprons are henceforth to have OTO instead of rosettes; blue for III° red for officers.