Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Tuesday, 7 November 1916
Opus[1] LXIV
4.30 p.m.
Anna Grey, P[rostitute]. Big fat negress, very passionate.
Object: Φ-force and attraction.[2]
Operation: excellent. Elixir: the same.
Result: marvellous.
Opus[1] LXV
Late at night.
As LXIV [Anna Grey].
Object: help for Soror L.W. [Leila Waddell].
[Operation] ת Details prohibited under Section XI.[3]
Result: Immediate success.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 3—[Tau, the last or bottom letter of the Hebrew alphabet, signifies here the fundament. The phrase 'Section XI' is a veiled way of referring to the XI° O.T.O.]