Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 1 February 1917



I’ve been thinking that I should have paid more attention to climate. Damp but soft airs always breed the Taoist passive-love type of mysticism. I must arrange to include this in my curriculum; it should help folk.


(P.S. Taoism sprang in the Yangtze delta, did it not? Buddhism certainly in the Ganges valley; Christianity was invented mostly at Alexandria; that is, the languid mystic bits were surely added in the Nile Delta; Sufism comes from the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris; Mormonism was invented in the Mississippi valley. The Law was given at Cairo, in the Nile Delta. This ought to be worked up, with a great deal of pains, comparing the differences with those religions which have sprung up on heights, and in plains.)


Mem[orandum]. I note Taoists also insist a good deal on respiration-work, not quite ordinary P.Y. [Pranayama]. I think I will find out the best drugs to reduce the rate of breathing, and get hold of that end of the stick, as Fra. I[ehi] A[our] [Allan Bennett] used to say, once more.


Op[us][1] LXXXV.



1—Crowley performs a magical sex operation.


