Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 21 April 1917
I seem to have nothing to record but dreams. Magical work is utterly impossible in N[ew] Y[ork] City. But this dream is quite unique in my life. I went to Egypt, to some excavations. In a chamber of a ruined temple sat a man named R.C.I. Balfour-Campbell (!) who knew Battiscombe Gunn. Then suddenly I had some power given me by a god named Tef-Gu, or some similar name; I’m sure of the Tef and that it was not Tef-nut. We were moved on in some procession by another god, and Campbell preceded me in a space between wall and table. I felt myself “lost” if I went on; my only chance was to protest instantly; I exerted my whole will and retraced my step, to the utter amazement of the shepherding god, who said “But you can’t” as who should say “2 plus 2 must make 4.” The reset I forget. But two days later I am still wondering about this dream, almost all the time. The dream was on the night of dies Juppiter 19 April.