Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 27 May 1917
My health has been constantly bad—a mixture of swamp fever and rheumatism, fugitive neuralgic symptoms, etc.—at least I most sincerely hope so, i.e. from A.C.’s point of view.
But I myself (SAWYA) have been considering all the time how to act as to Crowley’s body and mind. Can I use it any more? Wouldn’t my ideas get ahead much faster if he were dead? Shouldn’t I be wise to manifest in another, or in a multitude?
This practice has been nightly for some few days—I dare say ten. It has helped greatly my poor client Crowley, who now sees the point of the Buddhist corpse-meditations and their congeners.
(Written after doing Op[us][1] 3, An. xiii .)
1—Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.