Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Rex de Arte Regia Friday, 4 January 1918
Opus[1] XLV
One A. W.
Riche (he is supposed to be a complete materialist), having
suggested to me that it was proper to use Magick to obtain
an Organ for the spreading of the Law of Thelema, I inquired
by Geomancy: What shall I do now, etc? And obtained the
reply: Magick, by a mode Mecurial, Cauda Draconis being in
the 10th house, and in both witnesses, with Albus rising,
and Conjunctio setting; the Part of Fortune in the 2nd
[house], with Puella. Asking further: How shall I obtain a
means, etc? I obtained Albus rising, Conjuctio in 4th and
5th [houses], Carcer in 8th, 10th and 11th [houses],
4 Jan. 1918 E.V. 10.30 to 11.10 p.m.
As III [Roddie Minor] and Walter.
Object: All was however in affirmation of the Most Holy Trinity, to whom be Praise and Glory and Thanksgiving unto the Ages, World without End. Amoun.
Operation: III [Roddie Minor] and Walter prepared an Elixir of astonishing strength and sweetness: then W[alter] made B[aphomet] XI°; then III.[2]
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—[Walter had anal sex with Crowley then with Roddie Minor.]