Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Rex de Arte Regia

Sunday, 24 March 1918


Opus[1] II



5.30 a.m. circa.


[Assistant] Soror Achitha [Roddie Minor].


Object: Eve's [Roddie Minor]'s happiness.


Operation: Excessively prolonged orgasm. Elixir weak.


Result: Good on 27 March.



Opus III


11.00 p.m. circa.


Assistant: Soror Olun [Marie Lavrov].


Object: The Sowing of the Seed of the Law [of Thelema].


Operation: i.m.d.[2] Extremely curious. Cf. Doris Gomez Operations. Elixir strong and copious.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—[in manu dominae, 'in the hand of his mistress.']



[78], [80]