Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 8 August 1918



The magical memory is the unveiling of the subconciousness; therefore as I awaken it I find that episodes of my conscious life count less than things built into the unconscious; therefore as I awaken it I find that episodes of my conscious life count less than things built into the unconsciousness. Thus I forget at present everything that I normally remember, and dwell in child-life. For instance, the tune to which I made the song "Macroprosopus" is that of an infantile hymn, vulgar without being funny. But the words of that hymn actually obsess me; and only by a great effort can I get back even to my own consciously-willed words. I sing internally over and over again; it is really my mantra, and drives out A ka dua, unless I settle to concentration. Children should certainly be taught true Magick from the first. However, perhaps I shall get to a deeper layer soon. (P.S. Sol in Scorpio. I have got myself to the stage where I remember only my words; it's an effort to recall what that hymn was. Moral: Train! Train! Train! Train!)


