Aleister Crowley Diary Entry [Reincarnation Memory Diary] Wednesday, 16 July 1919
It seems that Cagliostro had something wrong with his title: great man as he was, busy with great plans as he was, it was a petty vexation to be treated as an adventurer by some of the old nobility.
I got a glimpse of the Magician who finally worked up to the Alexander VI flower. I can't remember the man at all yet, only some of his deeds. It is an 'Arabian Night' setting, half some city, Cairo or Bagdad,—I think Cairo—and half desert. I worked for some desert prince who had regiments of tall blacks, who wore plumes and bore spears. I used these men to make my hell-broth; it was their first duty in the morning and their last at night to contribute. The scenes of frenzy were indescribable, for, to avoid trouble, I had given out this act as a specially sacred worship, conferring many immunities. Failure was punished by expulsion from the regiment, and infidelity to the Caldron by death. I was an old man at this time, but intensely active and virile. There were many homunculus and similar experiments.