Aleister Crowley Diary Entry [Reincarnation Memory Diary] Friday, 18 July 1919
I developed some further very interesting memories.
The 'misfire' period was not due entirely to failure; I chose fantastic half-bodies (so to speak) as Shrouds. I was continuing my function disembodified, or rather, on the astral, which is much easier when one has not got a solid Tree-of-Life body and mind, but is 'not all there'. Hence Poltergeists accompany defectives; they can get more body for the astral.
Some, in this period I was everywhere the Lord of the Sabbath—one of them. Here I knew Jeanne Foster "The Devil's Mistress", of whom Brodie-Innes [J.W. Brodie-Innes] writes.
I incited everywhere to free love, free speech, free thought, free act, in a way quite crude and ill-understood, not wisely as I do now.
The magician who started this was one Incarnation subsequent to that of a Templar, the bastard of a Saracen Emir and an Amazon Crusader, a woman who fought, veiled in white over chain-amour, and once met Saladin (?) himself. I was the favourite page of Jacobus Burgundus Molensis himself (Eternal glory to his name!) I was initiated into the Oriental-Occidental mysteries of the Temple, and made immense progress. I was foully murdered by Emissaries of Philippe le Bel—may he rot eternally!—just 605. My name seems to have been Hugo de Larens or something very like it, with an Arabic nickname—Query El Latifu or El Azizu? My fury at the murder of Jacobus Burgundus Molensis etc., caused me to incarnate as the magician, with a great and terrible Oath against Christianity, which I have still not worked off. Nor will I while the accursed thing still poisons the air of our sweet Mother Earth. This magician was born in a Oriental-Templar preceptory, far hidden in Asia. I see a crag fortress and cultivated ground; beyond waste hills and then great mountains (Caucasus? Elbruz?) The Templars here were tremendous Magicians, my birth itself was an act of Magick—their share of the vengeance sworn—Mekam Adonai! So they trained me in practical magick from infancy. My name was Baal Zakar, but I was usually known as—can't think, it had O very prominent—something like Oloro. I started my 'astral work' just as soon as my physical climax was reached—about 1350; My idea in incarnating ultimately as a Pope was to fix the Astral Revolt in the physical. It failed (in part) simply because there was not enough Initiation to back up my Magick.
(Interval for more Muladhara and Mantra.)
No wonder I couldn't remember the 'misfire' incarnations. They were not true incarnations at all. Several were simultaneous. As Baal Zakar, I had the Elixir of Life, and used up these children for material, by one or more of the processes with which I am still familiar. Thus, I never really died, in the ordinary sense; I hung around until I found the right menstrum, as I thought, ready for my work.
I seem to have made great personal sacrifices; if indeed I knew better; for my true occult career went to smash with Alexander VI, so that I had to start more or less over again, and start right, as Marius de Aquilis.
A case of a 6º=5o trying to do the work of 9º=2o. Note.