Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

[Reincarnation Memory Diary]

Saturday, 2 August 1919



Last night I was remembering some more of the Glacier information. The date is more fixed now. It was before Mohammed; the Persians were Ghebers. Also I remember the man who was afterwards Mohammed at the great consistory of adepts, at which the policy of the AA was discussed.


I remember 'Merlin' [Theodor Reuss] and Iehi Aour [Allan Bennett], D.D.S. [George Cecil Jones], H.P.B. [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky], and some very great mystics who voted solid against doing anything at all, and some others. It was at this conference that we decided to work in the West. I got the Pagan and Ritual work, which ended in Alexander VI. 'Merlin' was afterwards Adam Weishaupt. D.D.S. worked the C.R.C. act and subsequently went wrong. 'Pre-Mohammed' was the biggest man there, but his plan left him in a minority of One. He said he'd do it anyhow. Of course the time wasn't ripe. Another man took care of art, learning etc. and was presently Paracelsus. The great issue was: Are we to initiate the people? I voted yes, with certain limitations—I am still in trouble with the muddle of that! The 'quiet mystics' abstained from voting, not that they approved, but they thought we should try it out and learn a lesson. Iehi Aour did some Catholic Mysticism in Ireland after this, as his job. I wish I could get a full report.


