Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 29 December 1919



[I Ching Hexagram] XII. This hexagram is usually rather bad for getting through any business. But Duke Chau[1] gives rules for success. Patience, Obediance: ‘We may perish.’ Most certainly ‘Pa and Ma not intercourse,’ as Sasaki [Shigety][2] says.


Winsor and Newton couldn’t serve me on the first visit; the legations kept me waiting intolerably; I couldn’t get soft roes on toast for lunch; I couldn’t get gold point materials.


Some things, however, went singularly well—visit to Radclyffe [Raymond Radclyffe] may turn out very good.



1—[The Duke of Chau (or Chou) is one of the reputed authors of the Yi King.]

2—[Sasaki Shigety, the author of an article on Shinto in The International, and probably of other articles elsewhere.]


