Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 28 February 1920
My money should come to an end with the month.
The weather continues fine.
Men with defective sight or taste, or drunkards, or imbeciles are more likely to have children than others; this tends to make humanity degenerate. But the cleverest women only get men, so the mothers tend to improve the race. Hence Goethe’s drivelling Oedipus ending to Faust. One gets to understand and appreciate a formula when one comes to it. Thus a man in the Sagittarius stage (of the Aries-Leo-Sagittarius sequence) really delights in his faint intangible refinements which look so feeble to a man in the Leo stage. Thus we fear Old Age and Death because we are not in their shape of magical action. I shall leave it to Eternity to abate the nuisance of Time.
The ‘Progress’ swine would deprive the poor even of their tragedies. When a woman says, ‘I don’t know what I want’, she is the only one who doesn’t.