Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 1 March 1920
What is the situation in England as to my affairs? [I Ching Hexagram] Moon of Moon. All tied up, as I thought.
What shall I do about it? [I Ching Hexagram] 4, Earth of Moon. Wait and See. Rely on Ninette [Ninette Shumway].
What shall I do about Scotland? Hexagram LX, Moon of Water. Regulations, e.g. write a firm business letter.
Shall I get funds from Scotland without delay? [I Ching Hexagram] Lingam of Air. The bold female; this answer seems doubtful.
Some sticks fell half out of the book I keep ’em in; so I ask, Is there a special message for me? [I Ching Hexagram] Fire of Moon, [I Ching Hexagram] Water of Fire, [I Ching Hexagram] Fire of Lingam. Easy follow-on, go ahead!
5. 30 p.m. Letters from England, confirming Yi [King].
Shall I spend April and June in or near Marseille? [I Ching Hexagram] Fire of Water. No. Capri? [I Ching Hexagram] Earth of Air. No. Cefalu? [I Ching Hexagram] Earth of Lingam. This couldn't be better. (It was solely on this indication that I went to Cefalu—with all its vast consequence. And I did this deliberately as an ‘Act of Truth’, a sort of contemptuous courage.)
Give a symbol for Ninette bearing a child to me; [I Ching] Hexagram 2! ! ! ! ! !
Shall I now take up the J[ohn] B[ull][1] foolishness? [I Ching Hexagram] Air of Lingam: ‘Small restraint’. All very appropriate. Make a dignified public statement.
What is the ultimate object of the love between 666 and Ninette? (Sticks handled by her.) Family! (Read chapter carefully.)
1—[John Bull, the weekly magazine, had attacked him for his pro-German writings in The International and the Fatherland in America during the war.]