Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 13 March 1920



1.05 a.m. Opus[1] XXI. Beauty [Ninette Shumway] and Ethel [Ether]. Opus childish. Elixir thin and tasteless. Object: Invocation 93, following certain meditations during previous period. Result: I became suddenly wakeful, strong and well, as if I had held the object originally proposed. I have been at some pains to record the conditions of this experiment, as it is so totally out of keeping with practically all previous experience. I have an idea that my 'increase of wisdom' is connected with the faculty of analysis, that I am getting all the details of ‘normal’ experience! I must say that I really do not see where this path leads. Am I failing to see the wood for the trees? Or am I building a Pyramid[2] (somewhere or other) with all these bricks? Talking of bricks, I must tell the story of ‘Shummy's [Ninette Shumway’s] brick’. Leah [Leah Hirsig] and I, in bed, used to laugh at her for having to heat a brick to take to bed with her. When Leah came back from the hospital, Shummy, in bed with me, thoughtfully inquired, ‘Shall I heat your brick for you?’ Fine impudence from a young lady whose middle name, a month ago, was Propriety!


Later, from 1.30 to 3.30 a.m. I lay awake meditating on my public statement about my work for England in the war. At 12.30 p.m. I started to write this, calling it ‘The Last Straw’. At 3, I gave up the pen to Leah and Beauty, and I dictated without a break even of five minutes till 12. 30 a.m. of Sunday. A feat of considerable endurance.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—[The Pyramid of Initiation.]


