Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 2 April 1920
Certain local gods, whom I praise one and all, without the least conceivable omission, directed me this very first morning to the Villa Santa Barbara. Je suis chez moi—and I have already begun certain Operations. We are high on the neck of the peninsula, and can see West to Palermo, East over the sea. North, is the mighty rock of Cephaloedium and behind us to the South rise hills, green with trees and grass. My garden is full of flowers and the promise of fruit. There is a Tree, too, in my garden, and there is grass, the sacred grass, at need. Beauty [Ninette Shumway] sulks, but Ish Kabibble!
9.00 p.m. circa. Opus[1] XXIX, Beauty. Object: Salutation to the Gods and Goddesses of this place! May they grant us abundance of all good things and inspire me to the creation of Beauty. Opus, Good. Elixir, very good.
Picture of Rock in a.m. Sketch is sepia of Rock in p.m. Otherwise, messed about.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]