Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 7 April 1920
I am the detail of a spark. (Nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux, Nox est perpetua una dormienda.)[1] This came from consideration of how words (for example) live, instead of being counters of thought in the consciousness of the adept. Every thought is seen in all its details. I, then, considering the dead dog theory of man's mortality, saw myself as a spark of a spark, a momentary flare in that tremendous Night. 'Then let the spark blaze bravely!' So then I saw that 'I' was the detail of a spark (in 'God's' mind), just as a word reveals its detail to the adept. So 'God' when He becomes an Adept, perceives the details of his sparks, i.e. knows man. That is what happened to Me! I'm thinking of Aleister Crowley. A.C. is a passing thought in My mind.
Began a picture of a lion-hunt.
1—['As soon as our brief day has closed, we shall have to sleep in everlasting night.' Catallus.]