Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 22 May 1920



3.30a.m. Wrote the Hymn to Astarte and another poem.


The Dawn Meditation. It is no good getting the 'conclusions' of an Adept. Especially as all is true and false. There are no 'secrets'. What counts is the actual process of 'going' and this fact connects with the dynamic conception of the Universe.


10.30 p.m. Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] has quite a bad go of fever; remarks quite delirious, vomiting, diarrhoea.


It's been a very lazy day for me; read [Joseph] Conrad's Victory again: a great book, but the Schonbergs, Lena Wang and Davidson are the only reasonably credible people.


Last night I heard a lot of our poltergeist. He makes a wonderful variety of queer noises.


