Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 24 May 1920
After lying down in my clothes, I made invocation of 93 and then noticed that my Ajna was very small and tightly closed, while Brahmarandra was immense and brilliant, with Shiva and Shakti disporting themselves with love therein. When I slept, I had a dream which tailed off into a quite banal adventure with a woman—we went shopping together in some big silversmith's-and then I met a vaudeville comedian of the George Robey type; things happened in hotels and streets, nothing significant or interesting. But somewhere in this there seems to have come the answer from Aiwaz, with a profound impression, that my Way is to promulgate the 'New Religion' by scattering the Word of Thelema in that practical political form adopted for 2° O.T.0. I will enquire about this: I think it is a matter for which I need a S.W. [Scarlet Woman] and whether Jane Wolfe can be this—since 31-1561 seems to have resigned—I don't know at present.
11.00 a.m. Strange! This morning a letter from Merlin [Theodor Reuss], giving me the very opening for action which I lacked. I am almost inclined to go to the conference at Zurich, and get the Delegates to adopt political action. I am merely afraid of their being too insignificant—but no man is that if he gets inspired! Can I inspire them?