Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 26 May 1920



3.40 a.m. It has been a trying night. I wrote two poems. Leah [Leah Hirsig] screamed terribly for over an hour until, twenty minutes ago, I felt it inhuman not to stop it, and so, in the impossibility of getting the doctor's permission, I gave her about 1/8 grain of heroin under the tongue. She is now calm. I thought heroin better than my only alternative, ether, as he has been giving her laudanum, and ether is irritating to the system, and so contraindicated in anything like enteritis. (P.S. It acted splendidly, with no bad reaction.)


3.45 a.m. I notice that Language itself testifies to the soundness of my ontological theories; for the adjective of Naught is Naughty! Wrote two more poems.


11.00 p.m. Leah is still very ill; and this doctor rather a trimmer. I think, without much confidence in himself. A tiring day, though I slept off some arrears.


