Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 27 May 1920
On the ontological basis of Absolute Reason as sketched last night, all that can be thought may be true, and becomes 'real' as soon as it is actually thought. I note as to 'pain', that as 'I' am equally any other space-mark, 'I' exist and suffer so long as anything does. So, if Existence is Sorrow, Compassion is the token of adeptship; but then what right has a Buddha to 'pass away'? Of course, he has no choice in the matter, but then-oh, I can't think tonight!
10.00 a.m. I dreamt of catching a fish, a dolphin.
I have a letter from the bank, asking me to call at once. The Yi says this means 'Troubles' (Hexagram XVIII).
Shall I go to Palermo today? [I Ching Hexagram] Lingam of Fire. Wu Wang. I think I'll telegraph for some indications of the nature of the troubles. Did so.
Give a general symbol for the immediate issue. [I Ching Hexagram] Lingam of Moon. Sung. Contention.
Shall I arrange matter as with B.S.H.N. [Ninette Shumway]? No!
I note the astonishing accuracy of the Yi, once more: but of course if one's unconscious will disturbs it, one gets 'dreams' of hope and fear.