Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 15 June 1920
A long dream of my cousin Lawrence [Lawrence Bishop]. He and I were digging gold in a long cavern with two openings, one high up, the other low down, I suppose upon a hill. He struck a rich vein; I wasn't really interested in the gold, but in something else, I am not clear what, which I obtained. Numerous adventures followed, in 'connection; but I recall only vague shapes of them.
9.45 a.m. Diana crescent at Deartown (Cherbourg) on the 19th so I hear. Obviously, her inmost secret is her incest with her twin brother the Sun.
1.15 p.m. It is now 5 months since I have lived with mothers and children! Mother-love! The all but unique, the wholly predominant theme of their relations is the quality and quantity of the excrement deposited by the 'innocent babes'. Innocent enough! But is this stuff of poesy?
Give a general symbol for my journey to Tunis to meet Jane [Jane Wolfe]. [I Ching Hexagram] Water of Fire. This is a most amusing piece of prophecy!
Shall I buy a house in Africa on this journey? [I Ching Hexagram] XXIV. 'Returning': decidedly no.
Shall I divide this household on my return? [I Ching Hexagram] XVI. 'Pleasure'. I don't understand, unless it's 'Do as you please about it'.
6.00 p.m. I think I may congratulate myself on my methods as a swimming teacher. Howard [Howard Shumway], not yet 4, on his 5th lesson, swam absolutely alone and well out of his depth, for 5 minutes by Leah's [Leah Hirsig] watch, and could have gone longer.
These few days of sea have been put me into physically active condition. I now find that a single small breath of snow has the 'sustained excitement' effect which would need about gr. 1 to produce when I am fat and lazy. The moral is obvious.